One of the areas they talked about was getting out of car debt. I know this is a "sacred cow" for many people. But let me tell you from experience, what a blessing it is to have 2 fairly new cars that we were able to pay CASH for...and one of them is the one he bought for himself AFTER he lost his job. What wisdom and stewardship. I'm so thankful to be doing life with this man!
Anyway, this morning I'm going through my emails and this one from Dave Ramsey appears. I just have to share this with you. I firmly believe that ALL of life is a stewardship and that includes all things God has given us - our time here on earth, the talents He's equipped us with, and the treasures He's entrusted us with.
1) The prosperity gospel - God's wants to bless us and give us lots of money, so serve Him and spend, spend, spend! He didn't raise any beggars.
2) I'm going to live by faith and not save or plan for the future, He's going to take care of my needs. Now that sounds right and spiritual, but there is error in that thinking as well. Saving for the future is wise. We can live by faith and STILL save and plan for the future as a good steward should. That's biblical - read The Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-28.
The Ultimate Question
The ultimate question, then, is this: Am I the lord of my life, or is Christ the Lord of my life? In essence, stewardship expresses our total obedience to God and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.