Excerpts From the Introductory Devotional titled, "What is Advent?"
But there’s more to Christmas.
Christmas is a celebration of the first advent—Christ’s coming to earth. “And the Word become flesh, and dwelt among us. . .” John 1:14 (NASB) Christ is Christmas! Apart from Him, there is no Christmas. He came to us in a form that we would recognize. He had growing pains and skinned knees, just like us. And yet He was so unlike us—He was more than a baby, He was and is the Living Word of God. Perfect in all things. He breathed life into our very being, and with that breath He placed within us a desire to seek Him, to know Him. . .”
“He was born into humanity to become the Savior of the world. He’s the only one qualified to save humankind from the plight of sin and separation from God. One of His names is Prince of Peace. He came to set us right with God. He’s more than a baby, He’s the Son of God, He came to give His life as a ransom for all the world. He completed that transaction through His death, burial, and resurrection.
Advent is the celebration of His coming to earth as God’s solution to our problem of our sin separating us from God. Instead of leaving us condemned to eternal death and separation from Him, He gave us His Son as the provision for our greatest need. What a Gift! . . .”
“Every baby is a gift, but no ordinary baby could ever give the gift of eternal life. Jesus is More Than a Baby; He is God incarnate. God’s love lavished upon us.”
And a Sample from Day One-The First Sunday of Advent
"My precious, Wonderful, Miraculous Counselor, Thank You for guiding my life and leading me with Your wisdom and counsel. I sit at Your feet and lean into You and Your words as You direct my steps. Help me to know Your will and release mine. Humble my heart as You teach me Your ways. Your counsel is what my heart desires. I love You, my Lord."
Both the prayer and the first day Advent devotional are by my friend, Patti Shaffer.