Anne Sullivan was Helen Keller's beloved teacher and companion for 50 years. Upon Anne's death in 1936, sorrowful Helen, wrote these endearing words about the one who had become her eyes, her ears, and her mouth:
"My teacher is so near to me that I scarcely think of myself apart from her. I feel that her being is inseparable from my own and that the footsteps of my life are in hers. All the best of me belongs to her there is not a talent or an inspiration or a joy in me that has not been awakened by her loving touch."
In many ways, what Anne Sullivan was for Helen Keller, Jesus Christ wants to be for us. He desires to be our eyes, our ears, our mouth. He promises to be our friend who sticks closer than a brother (Proverbs 18:24), but we must be as dependent upon Him as Helen Keller was on Anne Sullivan.
When you abide [dwell, stay, continue] in Christ, you will be seen by others as one who is imitating His character and sharing His perspective.
The opposite of abiding would be consumed with working through life on your own, not really relying on God; attempting to be a Super Woman rather than an Abiding Woman.
Which are you? A Super Woman or an Abiding Woman? Check out my free download chart to help you determine which one you are.
Lord, I'm officially laying down my Super Woman cape! Teach me to be an abiding woman.