But first, we must be broken.
Ouch, God! That hurts! I don’t want to be broken. You spoke the world into existence, can’t you just speak me into transformation so I can fulfill your purpose for my life?
Our salvation was secured through brokenness. Jesus’ body was broken for us. He was crucified. He died and was buried. He laid in the tomb dead, lifeless, bruised, broken, crushed for our iniquities. Then on the third day, that glorious third day, He arose from the dead, setting the captives free and giving us victory over sin and death.
God’s salvation plan involved His Son being broken on our behalf. His transformation plan for us is no different. Sometimes we must go through dormant seasons, then a time of brokenness to strengthen the tiny seed planted within us before it can sprout new life.
Consider the Story of Tiny Seed
It’s there. Trampled underfoot along the path. Dormant, unnoticed and buried under the cold, rocky soil, rotting leaves, and dead branches. During this seemingly dark, lifeless season, God warms the earth with Light rays streaming through tree branches laid bare by Autumn’s frost.
Winter drops temperatures, snow, ice, bringing down more rubble. But the Light continues to stream through.
Buried beneath the soil and rubble Tiny Seed is awakened by the nurturing warmth of hope brought by Light. For months, Tiny Seed laid lifeless. Now it’s hard shell is aroused by Light’s whispers of hope. Tiny Seed wants out of its dark place. With every ounce of strength, Tiny Seed sprouts a stem and pushes upward.
After days of Light’s penetrating rays warming the ground, Tiny Seed is drawn out of the darkness; its bruised head and stem dancing with the wind. Tiny Seed not only feels the hope of Light in the darkness but now sees Light face to face.
The morning dew drips from Tiny Seed’s petals like a face filled with tears of gratitude and great joy. Exhilarated by Light delivering it from darkness, Tiny Seed can contain itself no more. Tiny Seed bursts open its petals in praise, “LOOK WHAT GOD HAS DONE! I’M FREE! I’M FREE!”