I finally mustered up the courage to just ask Him straight out.
My Prayer
His Response
Let your cleansing be complete and your mind be clear of obstacles.
This is a holy experience, and it will expand to include your entire being.
You are not merely reciting prayers, nor are you saying empty words.
When you are intimately sensitive to My closeness, your soul is awakened.
This divinely appointed state of being does not remove you from this world so you can make your home in the clouds - no, rather your entire being is made alive and aware of the world around you. You see its beauties as never before.
You see My face in the affection of your loved ones, and you long to give even more to them to make their lives richer, better.
Prayer is not just a thing you do, because My Spirit prays within you constantly.
My Spirit reveals My presence in all things.
I created you and you are loved by Me,
and in loving Me back you are what you were made to be.
I am the Vine and you are My branch.
In prayer you breathe in My breath, you are alive with My life,
and there is no prayer that will go unanswered.
(Paraphrase created after reading Isaiah 65:24; Matthew 21:22; Hebrews 4:16; Jeremiah 33:3; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; John 14:23; John 15)