A constant barrage of cruel, demoralizing words. . . the feeling of being totally isolated and alone. . . catastrophic illness. . . the sudden loss of a loved one. . . just some of the polar vortexes that freeze us dead in our tracks, unable to move.
People may look at your frozen state and see things you are unable to see because you are entombed. They will see the intricate handiwork of God working in your life, supporting you, enabling you to stand in this storm. Their stares and comments may not appear to you as the help you were so desperately seeking. Sometimes there's just not anything anyone can tangibly do in that moment.
Take heart, dear one. You are standing on The Rock. This is not permanent, nor will you be forever destroyed. In His time, He will thaw the icy tomb that is encasing you at this moment. You will come through this polar vortex and shine once again, giving glory to God for all He has done.