The grace of our God was poured out on me abundantly,
along with faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 1:`14 (NIV)

During this time of Thanksgiving, in the midst of all the food and festivities, be sure to pour grace like gravy over everything and everyone - including yourself. I'm sure there will be spills, yes, gravy may end up on your Thanksgiving tablecloth, the turkey may take longer than expected to cook, and that pan of dressing may be overdone. Maybe Debbie Downer is coming and she's known for her negative conversation or talking politics over dinner.
We will all have times in our journey when we find ourselves broken and feeling worthless. Maybe life is spinning out of control and the last thing you want to do is give thanks. When that greasy gravy spills and leaves a stain of feeling like we're no longer useful, we try to hide the stains of imperfection. Dear one, remember, you always have a place at the table. God welcomes all to His Table of Grace. Take as many helpings of mercy and grace as you may need. And then, pour grace like gravy over yourself and all who are gathered around your table. Thank Him for not only loving you as you are but for loving you enough to not let you stay in the doldrums.
Seasons of life change, but He does not. He meets us in the newness of every season, even when it's a difficult season with many changes and challenges. What a blessing to know God is at work in us in every season, pouring His grace like gravy over our messy brokenness. Don't fret over the "stuff" of life. This world is not our home. Thank Him for the table set before you, those He's called to gather with you, and then pour grace like gravy over everything and everyone.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18