I honestly don't know where the time goes, but here we are for our last Thankful Thursday for the month of July! We've managed to be birthday free over the past 7 days. But have no fear, there's 2 coming up next week - my 2 amazing daughters will be ____ and ____. I honestly don't want to say their ages because that would make me really old, too! LOL
Here's my thankful list for the week.
My oldest daughter, Missy, broke her shoulder while being a counselor at her church's kids camp. I never heard of extreme rock, paper, scissors, but that's what they were doing when she ran into a wall. She's in a great deal of pain, but I'm thankful for pain medicine, that it wasn't any worse, and she won't need surgery.
While Missy was recuperating at home, her two children were with us. You may recall from last week that Logan went on a long day hike with my hubby (his Pappy). They could only do a day hike because Logan broke his collarbone in 2 places while in CO in June. Lana and I helped with a VBS the first part of the week as you may recall. Now for the rest of the week.
While Missy was recuperating at home, her two children were with us. You may recall from last week that Logan went on a long day hike with my hubby (his Pappy). They could only do a day hike because Logan broke his collarbone in 2 places while in CO in June. Lana and I helped with a VBS the first part of the week as you may recall. Now for the rest of the week.
YaY for Camp Marmi/Pappy!
It's our tradition to have our grandkids with us for a week of grandparent and cousin time.
This year was a little different, but I think they enjoyed being with each other, playing games, going to the beach at the lake, playing guitar, sitting outside at night on the front porch talking and laughing, having a burping contest with Marmi... you know, all the normal things grandparents and grandkids do together. My 7-year-old granddaughter thought the burping contest was the best time ever! I guess I'm being nominated for the Grandmother of the Year! I'm thankful we had no injuries and lots of fun together. The house is way to empty now.
Next year, my 4 granddaughters who are missionaries in Kenya will not be with us for Camp. As a matter of fact, Logan won't be either. He's spending the summer in Kenya with his Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. I'm hoping our soon-to-be step grandson, Brenden, will be able to join us next summer. Otherwise Lana and I will just have to go to Dollywood or take a road trip.
And one last photo celebrating red, white, and blue (and some green of course!) for the month of July. Can you spot the hint of blue in the center? Yes, there's ALWAYS something to be thankful for...always. There are moments and surprises everywhere. You need only to stop, look, and listen.
This year was a little different, but I think they enjoyed being with each other, playing games, going to the beach at the lake, playing guitar, sitting outside at night on the front porch talking and laughing, having a burping contest with Marmi... you know, all the normal things grandparents and grandkids do together. My 7-year-old granddaughter thought the burping contest was the best time ever! I guess I'm being nominated for the Grandmother of the Year! I'm thankful we had no injuries and lots of fun together. The house is way to empty now.
Next year, my 4 granddaughters who are missionaries in Kenya will not be with us for Camp. As a matter of fact, Logan won't be either. He's spending the summer in Kenya with his Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. I'm hoping our soon-to-be step grandson, Brenden, will be able to join us next summer. Otherwise Lana and I will just have to go to Dollywood or take a road trip.
And one last photo celebrating red, white, and blue (and some green of course!) for the month of July. Can you spot the hint of blue in the center? Yes, there's ALWAYS something to be thankful for...always. There are moments and surprises everywhere. You need only to stop, look, and listen.
What are you thankful for?
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