I love the progression of those verses: rejoice; pray; give thanks. And I love the fervor with which it says to do these things: always; without ceasing, in everything. There's always room for thanks.
Today I'm Thankful For:
Coffee and chatting about things of the Lord with a neighbor.
Being able to share the Gospel with a woman in our community.
My husband loves his new part-time job.
God's faithful provision for us over the past 11 months as we've struggled with unemployment for 9 of those months.
Mike and I went to see the movie, "War Room," Sunday afternoon. I'm thankful for the impact it's having in the lives of people that are going to see it. What an incredible encouragement to have a prayer strategy.
My son, Adam's wedding September 12, and adding Macady and her 6-year-old son, Brenden, to our family. Colorado, here we come in just a few days! I've still got several things I must do for the wedding, and we leave out next week. Prayers appreciated, my friends.