
While it’s good to seek godly counsel from a trusted friend or counselor, always start your search for direction with laying out the situation before the Lord.
Sometimes I will summarize the situation in writing while other times I verbally speak it aloud in prayer. In both situations, I symbolically place it in my hands and lift it to God saying something like, “Help me, Lord. I’m lifting this situation to You. Please guide me through Your Spirit and Your Word to make the right choice in this matter.”
God’s Word is always the first place He will begin to unfold insight. While in His Word, He may impress it upon my heart to seek out godly counsel, or He may remind me there’s unconfessed sin or other priorities I need to attend to before moving forward. Other times He may give me the green light, filling me with the faith and the freedom to move forward.
Do you need direction regarding a difficult choice in your life? Do you feel as though you have lost your way and in need of some light on your path? Open the Word of God, hand over your need to Him, and seek His wisdom and guidance first and foremost. The answer doesn't always come right away. Don't be give up. Keep seeking Him. Sometimes He wants you to become more intimately acquainted with Him, to know His character and understand His truths so you can recognize His guidance in your life.
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