I’m learning to listen for the voice of the Lord in the stillness and silence, free from distractions and cares of this world. What a gift silence is. To be still. . . and to know that. . . He. . . is. . . God.
Several years ago I meditated on passages of Scripture regarding the gift of silence. Here are some of the words the Lord spoke to me in the silence through these verses. (Psalm 46:10; Zechariah 2:13; Zephaniah 1:7 & 3:17; Psalm 131:1,2 & 113:7)
How do you respond to silence?
Do you look at it as a gift or an awkward moment?
Does quietness alarm you – remind you of your aloneness?
Perhaps that is why your life tends to be so noisy,
and you think yourself brash,
like a thrashing mule at times.
I want you to be silent before Me.
I want you to listen diligently to the quiet.
Be still.
Know that I am God.
Can you pierce the heavens with your noise?
Can you trample your way into My eyes with your pleas and promises?
I have seen you.
I have known you without a sound.
My silence is perfect communication issuing from My holiness.
It is My sigh of love,
My bond with you through My written Word and My Spirit.
You were formed as the final work of My creation,
an act I performed in silence
with a breath.
You are My sigh,
My heart,
My breath.
Will you not hush, still your pride, and stop your racing thoughts?
Will you cease from involving yourself
in matters that do not pertain to you
and problems too great for you?
Hush! Compose and quiet your mind.
Let your soul rest as a weaned baby rests
against the quiet circumference of a mother’s body.
I am your God, and I am with you.
I will save you, don’t fret.
I rejoice over you with great gladness,
Let my love silence you
and listen as I sing over you a song of My love.
Listen to the stillness,
where no calamity can reach,
where human plans cannot rule,
where the needy personality is lifted from the ash heap
as if on wings of a dove to a holy place
away from the stormy winds of daily cares
and the continual flux of human motion.
Enter into yourself and listen to the stillness of
My life deep, deep, deep….in you.