Each of us is either thankful for what we've been given or resentful over what's been taken away or withheld. Whichever we rehearse every day, that's what becomes our way of life.
I know I don't have this life of gratitude and thankfulness down as faithfully as I'd like. I'm still practicing being aware of His presence, acknowledging His tender mercies upon my life, and being thankful in all circumstances. But I've made my choice, and I choose to have a grateful, joy filled heart. I want my life to be humbly grateful for all His blessings in my life. And I know what I don't want, and that's having a murmuring and hateful countenance. Which are you? Humbly grateful or murmuring and hateful?
My Thankful Heart's Sweep Through This Week:
- Life. This past weekend our family celebrated the 13th birthday of my 3rd in line grandchild, Lana. What a joy she is to our family. Thank You, Lord, for blessing me with this ray of sunshine in my life.
- Mercy. I spent time with a dear friend who attempted suicide recently. As she recounted the details that lead up to her choice and how God intervened before she slipped away, well, I'm thankful for His mercy upon her life and saved her physically. Now He's working on her spiritually and emotionally. If you would, please pray for my dear friend's recovery.
- Provision. Again I'm amazed at the ways He provides for Mike and I as we travel this journey of unemployment and forced early retirement. He continues to provide small handyman jobs for him to do. We do not want for anything. We have a roof over our heads, food on the table, clothes in our closet, gas in our cars, money in the bank, and all bills current. Thank You, Lord for Your gracious provision.
- Weight loss. I've managed to lose 4 lbs over the past two weeks, thanks to The Daniel Plan and the encouragement of my husband, friends, and family.
What are you thankful for this week? Grab a button from the sidebar, pin it to your post, and then come back here and sign up using the Linky below. Please put the direct link to your Thankful Thursday post. The Link Up will be LIVE until Monday morning. Be sure to visit the person who linked up before you and comment on their post. And, of course, you are more than welcome to visit as many others in the community as you have time.