“My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” (2 Cor. 12:9).
It sounds like an oxymoron, for power to be optimized in weakness, but it's true. God's Word clearly tells us. And I can also attest to it through personal encounters with God's all sufficient grace.
So, what does it mean? How does an all sufficient grace manifest itself in my life?
- It means that when I'm exhausted and I can't possibly go an inch farther and yet I'm in a situation where I must—His grace is sufficient for me...He give me the needed strengthen to finish.
- It means when that person that has a way of getting under my skin (I know you're thinking of someone-we all have one or two like that in our lives) is absolutely annoying me and I want just want to walk the other way or be rude to them—His grace is sufficient for me...I'm able to extend grace, grace that they need almost as badly as I do.
- It means when I find my blood boiling and I'm tempted to lash out at someone with unkind, harsh words—His grace is sufficient for me...I'm able to control my tongue and not allow harsh words fly from my mouth, only words that are seasoned with grace.
- It means when I find myself in a place of temptation to spend money unwisely, or eat something I shouldn't because I'm trying to eat healthy and lose weight (did someone say chocolate?)—His grace is sufficient for me...I'm able to use restraint and develop discipline but not feel restricted or denied.
- It means when I'm feeling confused and uncertain about what direction to go when I'm making a decision—His grace is sufficient for me...He gives me peace and makes my path clear. Here's a free download from me to you about how to know God's will.
What are you in need of His all-sufficient grace for? A financial need? A need regarding a relationship with someone? Grieving the loss of a loved one? Loneliness? Fear? Mental, physical, spiritual health issues?
No matter what is going on in your life, His grace is sufficient for you, He will bring the power for your weakness. His resources are available to meet your needs 24/7, all you need to do is ask.